Reading List // December 2019

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Selections from the Web:

Bednarz, Christine. 2017. “Haunting Relics of a Country That No Longer Exists.” National Geographic. August 28.

Tadepalli, Apoorva. 2019. “Syllabus for the Internet: The Arcades Project. Real Life Magazine. December 23.

Books and Journal Articles:


Bernstein, Anya. 2019. The Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary Russia. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Krementsov, Nikolai. 2011. A Martian Stranded on Earth: Alexander Bogdanov, Blood Transfusions, and Proletarian Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Pandolfo, Stefania. 2018. Knot of the Soul: Madness, Psychoanalysis, Islam. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer. 1997. The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Velminski, Wladimir. 2017. Homo Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Image: Taylor R. Genovese, December 6, 2019, Long Day, Mesa, Arizona.
Written on December 31, 2019