Reading List // January 2019

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Selections from the Web:

Adelman, Jeremy. 2016. “Who Needs Historians?” The Chronicle of Higher Education. August 9.

Ayres, Sabra. 2017. “In St. Petersburg, a stalwart of the 1917 revolution lives on: The communal apartment.” Los Angeles Times. August 11.

Bradley, Joff P.N. 2018. “For a World beyond Pigs and Dogs: Transversal Utopias—Guattari, Le Guin, Bookchin.” Institute for Interdisciplinary Research Into The Anthropocene.

Ciccariello-Maher, George. 2019. “Oscar Grant Was Our Spark.” Commune Magazine.

Denvir, Daniel and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. 2018. “Howard Zinn’s Life on the Frontlines.” Jacobin.

Dubois, Laurent. 2016. “Atlantic freedoms.” Aeon. November 7.

Johnson, Adam H. 2017. “It’s Not a Government Shutdown. It’s a Right-Wing Coup.” The Nation. April 28.

Khan, Gulnaz. 2018. Photography by Arthur Mebius. “See Inside North Korea’s Retro Soviet Planes.” National Geographic. February 9.

McGregor, Hannah. 2017. “Podcasting in Plain Sight.” The Chronicle of Higher Education. September 26.

Ross, Alexander Reid. 2019. “From Exile to Dirtbag: Edgelord geopolitics and the rise of ‘National Bolshevism’ in the U.S.” Medium. January 20.

Books and Journal Articles:


Foucault, Michel. 2004. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977-1978. New York: Picador.

Young, George M. 2012. The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Journal Articles:

Babal, Marianne. 2010. “Sticky History: Connecting Historians with the Public.” The Public Historian 32 (4): 76–84.

Brinkley, Alan. 1994. “Historians and Their Publics.” The Journal of American History 81 (3): 1027–1030.

Chehonadskih, Maria. 2018. “The Stofflichkeit of the Universe: Alexander Bogdanov and the Soviet Avant-Garde.” e-flux journal 88.

Glassie, Henry. 1994. “The Practice and Purpose of History.” The Journal of American History 81 (3): 961–968.

Keyes, Os, Josephine Hoy, and Margaret Drouhard. 2019. “Human-Computer Insurrection: Notes on an Anarchist HCI.” CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4-9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. doi: 10.1145/3290605.3300569.

Linenthal, Edward T. “Committing History in Public.” The Journal of American History 81 (3): 986–991.

Paglen, Trevor. 2018. “Fedorov’s Geographies of Time.” e-flux journal 88.

Said, Edward W. 2001. “The Public Role of Writers and Intellectuals.” The Nation. September 17/24.

Thelen, David. 1994. “The Practice of American History.” The Journal of American History 81 (3): 933–960.

Zhilyaev, Arseny. 2018. “Optimists of the Future Past Perfect.” e-flux journal 88.

Book Chapters:

Benjamin, Walter. 1940. “On the Concept of History.” In Walter Benjamin Selected Writings: Volume 4 1938-1940. Edited by Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings. Translated by Edmund Jephcott and Others. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Image: Taylor R. Genovese, Nevada Drollinger-Smith, Annie Hammang, January 16, 2019, First semester meeting of The Young Schpengelheimers, Tempe, Arizona.
Written on January 31, 2019