Reading List // October 2018

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Selections from the Web:

Bernes, Jasper. 2018. “Communism Might Last a Million Years.” Commune Magazine.

Harris, James. 2016. “New research reveals misconceptions about Joseph Stalin and his ‘Great Purge.’” Business Insider. July 31.

Holthaus, Eric. 2018. “If you’re suffering from climate grief, you’re not alone.” Grist. October 15.

Junod, Tom. 2016. “The Falling Man: An Unforgettable Story.” Esquire. September 9.

Linn, Sarah. 2013. “The Dunites: Building a Utopia in the Oceano Dunes.” Artbound. July 7.

Olson, Joel. 2009. “Between Infoshops and Insurrection: U.S. Anarchism, Movement Building, and the Racial Order. Black Rose / Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation. Republished October 10, 2018.

Out of the Woods Collective. 2018. “The Uses of Disaster.” Commune Magazine.

Rao, Ankita. 2018. “Our Experience of Reality Is a Bunch of Hallucinations We Collectively Agree On.” Motherboard. October 11.

Taylor, Astra. 2018. “The Automation Charade.” Logic 05.

Wallace-Wells, David. 2018. “UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.” Intelligencer / New York Magazine. October 10.

Books and Journal Articles:


Bynum, Caroline Walker. 2011. Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe. New York: Zone Books.

Latour, Bruno. 2013. Rejoicing: Or the Torments of Religious Speech. Translated by Julie Rose. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Morton, Timothy. 2013. Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality. Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press.

O’Brien, Tim. 1973. If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home. New York: Delacorte Press.

VanderMeer, Jeff. 2017. Borne. New York: Farrar, Straus and Girgoux.

Wolfe, Cary. 2010. What is Posthumanism? Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Journal Articles:

Connolly, William E. 2013. “The ‘New Materialism’ and the Fragility of Things.” Millennium: Journal of International Studies 41 (3): 399–412.

Image: Taylor R. Genovese, October 1, 2018, Remnants of a Hurricane, Gilbert, AZ
Written on October 31, 2018