Reading List // September 2020

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Selections from the Web:

Gečys, Kazys. 1955. “Communist Ethics.” Lituanus (3–4).

James, C.L.R. 1956. “Every Cook Can Govern.” Correspondence 2 (12).

Leroy, Antony. 2020. “Queue Anon?” Peace, Land, and Bread. September 3.

Kropotkin, Peter. 1897. “Anarchist Morality.” The Anarchist Library.

McCrary, Charles. 2020. “The Trump Era’s Tribalism Discourse: Reflections on a ‘Weird Euphemism.’” The Revealer. May 6.

Stalin, J.V. 1934. “Marxism Versus Liberalism: An Interview with H.G. Wells. Marxists Internet Archive.

Books and Journal Articles:


Graeber, David. 2014. Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Brooklyn: Melville House Publishing.

Lenin, Vladimir. 2014. State and Revolution. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Vernadsky, Vladimir I. 1998. The Biosphere. New York: Copernicus.

White, James D. 2019. Red Hamlet: The Life and Ideas of Alexander Bogdanov. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Book Chapters:

Lenin, V.I. 1964a. “The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution.” In V.I. Lenin Collected Works Volume 24. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 19–26.

———. 1964b. “How to Organise Competition?” In V.I. Lenin Collected Works Volume 26. Moscow: Progress Publishers. 404–415.

———. 1965. “A Great Beginning: Heroism of the Workers in the Rear. ‘Communist Subbotniks.’” In V.I. Lenin Collected Works Volume 29. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 409–434.

———. 1966. “The Tasks of the Youth Leagues.” In V.I. Lenin Collected Works Volume 31. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 283–299.

Marx, Karl. 1978. “Critique of the Gotha Program.” In The Marx-Engels Reader edited by Robert C. Tucker. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 525–541.

Journal Articles:

Egan, Daniel. 2013. “Rethinking War of Maneuver/War of Position: Gramsci and the Military Metaphor.” Critical Sociology 40 (4): 521–538. doi: 10.1177/0896920513480222

Krutova, O.N. and N.N. Krutov. 1970. “Lenin on the Independent Initiative and Creativity of the Personality in the Moral Sphere.” Soviet Education 12 (3–5): 153–173. doi: 10.2753/ RES1060-939312030405153

McBride, William L. 2016. “Evil in the philosophy of Karl Marx.” Journal of Chinese Studies 1 (1): 1–10. doi:10.1186/s40853-016-0003-y


[↻ = Rewatch]

Ad Astra (2019)

Cold War (2018)

I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)

La Chinoise (1967)

Guava Island (2019)

James White (2015)

Poetry (2010)

Pink Grapefruit (2015)

Roma (2018)

Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2018)

Sweetgrass (2009)

El abrazo de la serpiente (2015)

The Kill Team (2019)

Nadie sabe que estoy aquí (2020)

Sorry We Missed You (2019)

Image: Taylor R. Genovese, September 14, 2020, Purple, Lake Ashurst, Arizona.
Written on September 30, 2020